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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
Discussion / troubleshooting / Strange blur glitch
Anytime I play in a public server, at random (ive tried looking around for what may be the cause but can't find) the screen goes blurry and sets itself aback a little. Not only that, but characters/entitys begin dissapearing reappearing and movement looks faster along with character model limping to the left (either from lag or the blur effect). Like said earlier, I have no idea what may be the cause of this other than the lag from the graphics as theory. (I am playing on a Chromebook if this adds to any of it.)
try lowering resolution
I think I did try lowering the res but it stayed the same, if I ever get it again i'll make sure to check.
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 2/25/2024 12:20 PM
12:21 PM
Blurring could be wrong depth of field which can be fixed by changing graphics quality. But characters disappearing 🤔
12:22 PM
Wait and you mentioned this for online play , What about local ?
It doesn't happen in local. Like ever, only during online.
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 2/25/2024 12:23 PM
Wow , with all servers ? (Maybe server just badly modded)
Wow , with all servers ? (Maybe server just badly modded)
I've been on modded and regular and its the same thing.
Anytime I play in a public server, at random (ive tried looking around for what may be the cause but can't find) the screen goes blurry and sets itself aback a little. Not only that, but characters/entitys begin dissapearing reappearing and movement looks faster along with character model limping to the left (either from lag or the blur effect). Like said earlier, I have no idea what may be the cause of this other than the lag from the graphics as theory. (I am playing on a Chromebook if this adds to any of it.)
I still have the replay and managed to record it. (its rlly slow and i can't do anything about it) it doesn't show the blur happening in replays but it does show what happens during blur.
12:39 PM
augh the frame quality is so bad pain
12:39 PM
guessing try lowering visuals maybe..
the game quality is fine Its just the recording thats painfully slow. changing the graphics does something but it just means i'd have to be doing that ANYTIME that happens.
1:46 PM
it would get really tedious
1:51 PM
I did catch the body limping/models dissapearing being caused by massive amounts of lag, i am on my dad's really slow wifi so that would explain that.
1:52 PM
I have yet to catch what causes the screen blur though
I did catch the body limping/models dissapearing being caused by massive amounts of lag, i am on my dad's really slow wifi so that would explain that.
/home/era/gmt+3:30 2/25/2024 3:15 PM
thats not how lag in bs works tho
thats not how lag in bs works tho
i mean it happened to me so im not sure
/home/era/gmt+3:30 2/25/2024 3:17 PM
this seems like extreme offsets between the server/client physics handling, but even that wouldnt cause shit to disappear and reappear
3:17 PM
what version r u on and on what platform?
1.7.33 and on a chromebook
/home/era/gmt+3:30 2/25/2024 3:18 PM
i would also like to ask u to go through a game replay where u experienced this issue and see if it happens in the replay too
i dont think the replay saved
3:21 PM
nevermind i did save it
3:21 PM
this is all i can record so sorry this is a keep away match i completely recorded (edited)
3:43 PM
it starts happening aroundd 3 minutes and 15 seconds left
3:45 PM
it stops when the blue agent leaves
3:45 PM
at 2 minutes and 40 seconds left of the match
/home/era/gmt+3:30 2/26/2024 6:30 AM
hmm could u put this in #bug-reports?
6:30 AM
ill try and get eric to check it out whenever he comes to the mortals' realm
7:25 AM
@/home/era/gmt+3:30 also what does this mean I noticed it in the console
/home/era/gmt+3:30 2/26/2024 9:26 AM
idk, all i can tell is that its related to audio (it was very hard to guess frfr)
eric_curious 1
9:28 AM
it could possibly be a byproduct of ur issue
i guess
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 2/27/2024 12:38 AM
Does bombsquad have 3d audio?Like positional audio instead of just playing a audio file
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 2/27/2024 12:49 AM
For VR yes
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 2/27/2024 12:53 AM
Hmm that could explain the audio error
@/home/era/gmt+3:30 also what does this mean I noticed it in the console
its jsut occured that this has been the cause of the camera blur and object/player model dissapearances
1:45 PM
in online, it just messes up the models and camera
1:46 PM
in offline or single player its caused by only the bombs and teleports the player (and/or any entity that touches it) of who summoned the bomb get teleported out of bounds (edited)
1:48 PM
atleast by my point of view
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 2/28/2024 1:51 PM
So what u are saying is that the object that is making the sound is getting teleported out of bounds which makes the camera out of focus and that error
1:52 PM
Also if you can't record the replays then you can share the replay file instead Perhaps with the help of file share plugin
1:53 PM
I mean like if it's a limiting factor
Loup(Dliwk's fan)
Also if you can't record the replays then you can share the replay file instead Perhaps with the help of file share plugin
I was just adding a plugin manager a few days ago and forgot about replay sharing when i saw the thing 😭 Ill get it tho
👍 1
2:18 PM
in school so gimmie like 40-45 minutes to get home (nvm i have to go somewhere and cant take my computer) ((be back later around dawn)) (edited)
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